• Eventual height: 1.2m
  • Eventual spread: 1.2m

courgette 'Jemmer' F1

yellow courgette or Cucurbita pepo 'Jemmer' (syn. Golden Jemmer)

RHS award of garden merit
8.5cm pot £6.99
£20.97 £13.98
£20.97 £13.98
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (will need frost protection)

    Stir fry the golden fruits of ‘Jemmer’ with yellow and orange peppers for a stunningly colourful dish, add garlic and perhaps some spring onions, some pak choi with some sesame seed oil and you’ve got the most amazingly tempting (and tasty!) summer side.
    This award-winning, vigorous F1 hybrid has smooth, bright yellow, cylindrical courgettes. ‘Jemmer’ also has good powdery mildew resistance.

  • Garden care: Grow on under glass until all risk of frost has passed. Then, plant them out in a well-prepared bed, spacing them at 60cm intervals, and keep them well watered - particularly once the fruiting commences. The courgettes are ready to harvest when they are 7-10cm long, and if you keep picking them it will encourage more to form. Therefore, it is possible to harvest them continuously from July until the first frosts.
  • Humans/Pets: If crop is bitter, don't eat or feed to pets