• Eventual height: 4m
  • Eventual spread: 4m

Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Ballerina'

serviceberry 'Ballerina' ( syn. Amelanchier asiatica 'Ballerina' )

5 year guarantee
12 litre pot | 1.2m tall £169.99
Delivery options
  • Standard £7.95

This tree is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.

  • Position: Full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: Average
  • Flowering period: March to April
  • Hardiness: Fully hardy

  • A vigorous ornamental tree prized for its abundant white spring flowers, reddish-purple autumn foliage, and wildlife value. This small tree or large shrub displays clusters of star-shaped white blooms blushed pink in April alongside its bronze-tinged foliage that matures to dark green in summer before turning vivid hues of orange, red, and purple towards the end of the season. Growing well in sun or part shade, this beautiful serviceberry tree thrives in varying soil types preferring neutral to acid soils, withstands pollution, and tolerates damp sites. With multi-season appeal, attractive habit, and hardy nature, 'Ballerina' makes a beautiful flowering specimen tree for landscapes.

  • Garden care:
    Best autumn colours can be achieved by growing in full sun. Incorporate plenty of well-rotted leafmould or compost into the backfill when planting and stake accordingly. Ensure the tree is monitored for water during its first growing season in order to establish.When planting, water new trees thoroughly and regularly for the first few months to establish roots. Monitor and increase watering during hot/dry periods especially during the first growing season. When planting, incorporate lots of well-rotted garden compost into the planting hole. Remove dead, damaged or crossing branches in late winter or early spring.
    • Humans/Pets: Fruit are ornamental - not to be eaten