Forming huge heads of large, gently ruffled flowers above the rosette of corrugated foliage, 'Bristol's Black Bird' will offer months of colour to your home. The deep purple blooms are dramatic and eye-catching, and when teamed with other Streptocarpus, they will add depth to the collection.
We’re proud to support our British growers, and having been raised by one of our trusted UK nurseries, this indoor plant has a low carbon footprint, which makes it perfect for an eco-friendly collection or gift.
How to care for Streptocarpus Bristol's Black Bird:
Throughout the growing season, keep them quite well watered, but as they are sensitive to overwatering, allow the compost to get a little dry in between; during this time they should also be fed with a high potash fertiliser. Remove spent flowers as they fade and trim back any old leaves that are past their best. Overwinter on a south or west-facing windowsill and water less often. Repot each spring into a slightly larger, shallow pot filled with fibre-based compost. They can also be used as summer bedding - grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in partial shade.