Mandevilla Sundaville Red is a compact, evergreen climber with glossy green leaves that set off its striking trumpet-shaped red flowers, which bloom reliably throughout summer.
Perfect for pots, hanging baskets, or training up a trellis, this tropical plant thrives in loam-based or ericaceous compost with good drainage. It performs best in natural, brightly lit conditions, making it ideal for south or west facing conservatories.
Reaching up to 2m in height and spreading to 50cm, it is hardy only in warm climates, but it can be overwintered indoors if grown as an annual in cooler regions. Its sweet fragrance, noticeable in the evening, adds to its appeal.
How to care for Mandevilla Sundaville Red ('Sunmandecrim') (PBR) (Sundaville Series):
Mandevilla is best grown as a tropical houseplant and will require a large pot, and is best sited in a well-lit conservatory or heated glasshouse.
Apply a general purpose fertiliser during the growing season and avoid overwatering in winter. In late-winter or early-spring thin out over-crowded growth by pruning side-shoots to within three or four buds of the main woody woody stems of the plant.
Avoid contact with its white sap, which can cause irritation.