Bright canary-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers with amber centres make Mandevilla Gold a stunning choice for adding exotic seasonal or protected colour from mid-summer.
This compact, well-branched climber reaches up to 2m in height and spreads to 50cm, with glossy green foliage enhancing its tropical appeal. Perfect for conservatories, or training against a sunny wall during the warmer months only, it thrives in loam-based or ericaceous compost with good drainage.
Position it in full sun to partial shade outdoors during the warmer months or in a naturally well-lit conservatory to protect it over winter. Hardy in warm climates only, it can also be grown as an annual in cooler regions.
Mandevilla plants have a sweet, citrus, or vanilla-like scent. The fragrance is most noticeable in the evening.
How to care for Mandevilla Sundaville Gold ('Sunpa 0931') (Sundaville Series):
Mandevilla is best grown as a tropical houseplant and will require a large pot, and is best sited in a well-lit conservatory or heated glasshouse.
Apply a general purpose fertiliser during the growing season and avoid overwatering in winter. In late-winter or early-spring thin out over-crowded growth by pruning side-shoots to within three or four buds of the main woody woody stems of the plant.
Avoid contact with its white sap, which can cause irritation.