One of the most popular palms which if you stepped back into the Victorian times would have been seen in many a drawing room. They are still popular today as they are easy to grow, evergreen and will complement most rooms. Keep them away from direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves, and away from cold draughts.
Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a simple nursery pot). They do however make excellent potted plants, and if you wish to pot yours up, we do have a wide range of pots on our website to choose from.
How to care for Howea forsteriana:
The golden rule is not to leave this plant sitting in water - they like a moist soil but won't like to have their roots sodden so feel the top of the soil before watering. In the winter it will still need watering but not as much. It likes humidity, so mist the leaves regularly in hot weather or if it is in a warm room. Avoid repotting until it is really pot-bound as they don't like to be disturbed.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Full sun / light shade