A white-skinned softneck variety bulb containing smaller and larger numbers (9-16) of pretty pink cloves that will store for a long time once ripened.
How to care for garlic Flavor:
Plant the cloves (pointy side up) 2cm deep from September to December (if frost permits) at 15cm intervals. Subsequent rows should be spaced at 30cm intervals. Gently lift when the leaves start to yellow, and leave them on the surface of the soil (or in a bright shed) to ripen before storing them in a light, airy position, which is dry and frost free. There are not many varieties that show resistance to rust, but one way round this is to plant your garlic early, so that by May when rust is usually getting busy the garlic is well developed.
Please note this is one head (bulb) that can be split up into several cloves before planting. You will usually get about 4 cloves from this variety of garlic when split up for planting.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Pets: TOXIC if eaten; Humans: Skin irritant/allergen