
carrot 'Flyaway' F1

carrot or Daucus carota 'Flyaway'

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The leading variety for resistance to carrot fly, whose larvae can ruin carrots by tunnelling into the roots and allowing rots to set in. 'Flyaway' is bred to be less attractive to the flies so rarely affected by comparison to other varieties, making it a particularly reliable cropper producing deliciously sweet and crunchy roots every time.

Growing instructions:

Sow sparingly direct into shallow drills and cover lightly with soil. Protect early and late sowings with cloches. Thin seedlings gradually until they are 5cm apart, watering beforehand to avoid disturbing nearby roots: larger thinnings can be eaten raw as baby carrots. Do not grow carrots in freshly-manured ground as this can cause them to fork.

Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun


Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


Fully hardy

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