A handsome, richly orange-coloured maincrop carrot which has stood the test of time and is an allotment favourite for its reliability and excellent flavour. The roots are long, tapering and sturdy, and store well: they can be left in the ground through winter or lifted and packed into boxes of damp sand, where they'll stay good as new for months.
Growing instructions:
Sow sparingly direct into shallow drills and cover lightly with soil. Cover early and late sowings with cloches. Thin seedlings carefully to 2cm apart, watering beforehand to avoid disturbing nearby roots, and working in the evening when carrot fly are less numerous. To further avoid carrot fly attacks, grow crops under horticultural fleece. Grow perfect, straight carrots by making holes with a crowbar, filling with free-draining, stone-free compost and sowing seed on top.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil