Camellia × williamsii 'Donation'
- Position: partial shade (but not east-facing)
- Soil: moist but well-drained, humus-rich, acid soil (or ericaceous compost for container-grown specimens)
- Rate of growth: slow growing
- Flowering period: February to May
- Hardiness: fully hardy
An exceptionally long-flowering camellia that produces large, semi-double, soft pink, saucer-shaped flowers from February to May among glossy, bright green leaves. In partial shade the flowers of this popular, evergreen shrub are longer-lasting and less likely to fade. Compact and upright in shape, it's perfect for growing in a large patio container or for creating an informal flowering screen. - Garden care: To prevent damage to the emerging buds and flowers protect from cold, dry winds and early morning sun. Water established plants in dry weather to prevent bud drop. Apply a balanced liquid fertiliser in mid-spring and again in June. Top-dress annually with shredded bark or well-rotted leaf mould. After flowering lightly trim or prune any branches that spoil the appearance of the plant.
Goes well with...
RocketGro ericaceous compost
40 litres
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna
sweet box
2 litre pot
Lonicera × purpusii 'Winter Beauty'
winter honeysuckle
2 litre pot
Pieris 'Flaming Silver'
lily-of-the-valley shrub
2 litre pot
Clematis 'Elizabeth'
clematis (group 1) (syn. Clematis montana Elizabeth)
3 litre pot | 60cm cane
Specialist ericaceous liquid feed
1 litre