The hardiest of all broad beans, this is the best variety for planting in late autumn to grow through winter, producing crops a whole month earlier than spring-sown varieties. It can also be sown in early spring for a summer crop. Prolific numbers of pods are well-filled with tender white beans, which should be picked when young for the best flavour.
Growing instructions:
Sow direct 5cm deep and 10cm apart into well-drained soil in a sunny spot. Protect from mice and slugs. If growing over winter, cover plants with a cloche during the very worst weather to prevent damage. Support loosely with canes and string once they reach 15cm tall and pinch out the tops to prevent blackfly. Broad beans 'fix' nitrogen from the air, so cut spent plants off at ground level and leave roots to rot back into the ground to release nitrogen for next year's crops.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil