• Eventual height: 0.5m
  • Eventual spread: 0.3m

Clivia miniata

Natal lily

RHS award of garden merit
20% OFF flowering indoor plants
13cm pot | 60cm tall £22.99 £18.39
£22.99 £18.39
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: April to August
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 60cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)
  • Pot cover: choose a 14cm pot cover to give a good fit over the pot
  • Shop the look: Vibes deep blue pot cover Ø14cm

    This is a firm favourite and it is easy to see why, being simple to grow and striking. Many cheerful orange trumpet-shaped flowers, with bright yellow central anthers, are borne in groups on tall upright stems, arising from a rosette of long dark green strap-like leaves. Perfect for adding a splash of colour to any room.

    Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a simple nursery pot). They do however make excellent potted plants, and if you wish to pot yours up, we do have a wide range of pots on our website to choose from.

  • Home care: Once flowering is finished remove faded blooms near the base and reduce watering through the winter, but don't let it dry out completely. To allow new flowers to form it needs a cool period around 10°C from November to February when you water sparingly. After this period you can start to feed with a balanced fertiliser each week until the the buds form, then move it to a warmer room (approximately 16°C) and increase watering. Keep away from radiators or direct sun, and try not to disturb the plant when in flower. Sponge leaves occasionally.
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