• Eventual height: 0.12m
  • Eventual spread: 0.05m

Tulipa tarda 'Interaction'

miscellaneous group tulip bulbs

Perfect for pollinators
10 × bulbs £6.99
Delivery options
  • Bulbs (only) £4.95

This bulb dies back after flowering each year and enters a period of rest ahead of regrowth the following season.

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: fertile, well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: April to May
  • Hardiness: fully hardy
  • Bulb size: 6+

    Lemon-yellow variegated foliage and bi-coloured, yellow and white flowers, make 'Interaction' a bright and cheery addition to the spring garden. A species tulip, it’s an undemanding bulb that doesn’t need to be lifted each year, and if planted in the ground, particularly at the front of borders, it will spread to form good-sized clumps. Alternatively, underplant these stunning spring bloomers with a frothy carpet of forget-me-not in pots and containers for a lovely, seasonal pop of colour.

  • Garden care: In November or December plant bulbs 10cm deep in fertile, well-drained soil. After flowering deadhead and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each week for the first month.
  • Humans: Harmful if eaten; skin allergen; Pets: Ornamental bulbs - not to be eaten
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