RHS Collections
Aspidistra elatior - aspidistra / cast iron plant & pot cover
- Position: indirect light - one of the most tolerant of shade
- Soil: good potting compost
- Rate of growth: slow
- Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
- Current height: approximately 55cm (including pot)
- Pot cover: includes a 22cm Leon granite planter
Incredibly popular with the Victorians, this aspidistra is an elegant and tolerant plant that will cope with some neglect - hence the common name of cast iron plant. It can withstand drought (provided temperatures are not too high) and pollution - and only needs repotting occasionally. This makes it a great choice for the novice who wants something that looks nice, but is really easy to look after. - Home care: In an ideal world, this plant will want a spot that is well away from direct sunlight, with a good amount of water in summer - but much less in winter. Wash the leaves occasionally to keep them free of dust (this can be done by popping it under a cold shower), and try to maintain cool temperatures above 7-10°C in winter. Pot on every 4-5 years using a good-quality potting compost.
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Availability: In stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)