• Eventual height: 0.1m
  • Eventual spread: 0.1m

Floating ball with javamoss

Vesicularia dubyana

single £9.99
£49.94 £29.95
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: bright indirect light
  • Soil: none required
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: supplied as a 4cm ball (+ or - 10%)

    This moss has been moulded onto a floating ball, which can either be left to bob on the surface of a vase filled with clean water, or by using the clear plastic suction cup and length of fishing line it comes with, it can be attached to the bottom of the vase, and left to 'float' mid-way up the vase. It makes an unusual, stylish and incredibly easy to care for alternative to an indoor plant.

  • Home care: When your moss ball arrives, find a suitable vase for it - we like the tall thin ones if you are going to attach it to the bottom, or a bowl shaped one if it is going to float on the surface. If submerging the ball, attach it to the suction cup, then secure this to the bottom of the vase. If you are using more than one ball, we find that cutting the fishing line at different lengths (so the balls float at varying levels) looks best, but feel free to play around with them! The suction cups are hard to see, but if you wish, you could disguise them a bit by adding a layer of gravel or shingle to the bottom of the vase before filling with water. Tap water is fine, but ideally it should have been left to sit for 24 hours - otherwise you could use rain or filtered water instead.