RHS Collections

Hoya gracilis - wax flower & pot cover combination

  • Position: bright light
  • Soil: freely draining
  • Rate of growth: average to fast
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Pot cover: includes an aged zinc hanging bowl

    The slender stems of this shrubby climber are laced with attractively freckled, fleshy green leaves, and if the plant gets enough light, it will also produce clusters of sweetly scented pink flowers.

    This striking combination includes our aged zinc hanging bowl (Ø31cm x H13cm), ready to plant and hang indoors. Supplied with a 55cm steel cable with a 7cm hanging loop.

    Please note: hang on a secure hook out of reach of children. Avoid filling to the brim with soil as this will add unnecessary weight.

Hoya gracilis - wax flower & pot cover combination
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