RHS Collections

Phlebodium aureum 'Davana' and pot cover combination

  • Position: bright, indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 30cm (including pot)
  • Pot cover: includes a 14cm pot cover

    The ruffled fronds of this attractive fern develop a subtle bluish flush as they mature. Originating from tropical rainforests with high humidity, this plant will flourish in a bright steamy bathroom or kitchen. Also, as it is sent out with a decorative pot cover, once unwarpped, it can be popped straight in, and placed on a tabletop or shelf.

  • Home care: Keep the compost moist (but not waterlogged) at all times, but this can be cut back a little in winter. If you can't place it in a humid atmosphere like your bathroom you can still grow this plant, just mist the leaves regularly with water and/or place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles.
Phlebodium aureum 'Davana' and pot cover combination
Buy all items for £20.28
Availability: In stock (shipped within 3-5 working days)