RHS Collections

Bottle garden / terrarium plant collection & pot covers combination

  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: loam-based potting compost
  • Rate of growth: fast
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 10cm (including pots)
  • Pot covers: includes 7cm pot covers

    This is a great little collection if you are keen to plant up a terrarium. It contains a selection of six easy to care for plants, which will thrive in a bottle garden. The contents of each collection will vary (depending upon the time of the year and plant availability), but they typically would include one of each of the following terrarium staples - fittonia, saxifraga or syngonium, selaginella, peperomia, asplenium and hedera (stock permitting).

  • Home care: Once planted, place your terrarium in a bright spot with indirect light and keep the compost moist - but not waterlogged.
Bottle garden / terrarium plant collection & pot covers combination
Buy all items for £29.97
Availability: Unavailable Please note some items are unavailable